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Friday, 14 November 2014

Visual research in Practice Workshop

This workshop was aiming to help us experiencing the process of interpretation, finding a way to transfer our initial inspiration into our own ideas. 

1. draw what you can see on the table on this long roll of paper

2. Move from one side of table to another, drawing without lift up your drawing tool.

3. Cut of a piece that you like

4. Cut a picture from the magazine. 

5. Draw the shade of the picture

6. According to drawing 5, make a collage from the magazine.

7. Draw the outline of the collage

8. Draw another two from drawing 7.

9. Cut one of the drawing and make it into a 3D form. 

10. Draw a picture according to the 3D form.

11. Use tape or string to make a picture of the 3D form.

12. Use long brushes made of branches and brushes to paint on a roll of paper on the floor.

13. Fold a page of paper in your sketchbook, cut the following page, and cut some shapes out of the third page. Then put and arrange the drawings made before into the sketchbook.

14. Fill the empty space with the painting cutting from the long paper, making a connection from page to page.

Here are our outcomes.

All of the actions were finished in 5 or 15 mins that we didn't have much time to think. It was more relying on our instinct. Even many actions were took following the previous one, changes happened, consciously or not. I found myself quite enjoy this process. And I think this process of changing is what we missed in our practice but our tutors really willing to see. 

I am quite certain that we all can do this, but we somehow forgot to do or show. Tracing back to the work I made for applying for the MA course, I did follow similar process to improve my idea. However, just as what Shane said, nowadays we show our inspiration and directly jump to the final outcome. The process is missing. And the work looks like a result coming from a accident, without a solid proof of improvement. 

It is not too late that I am being conscious about this. I will take action in the following practice to improve this problem. 

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